A speech from the President of the USA (if I was him)
People of America,
We are having hard times and we know the best to handle hard times as a nation together.
The present situation is not one of a nation together but one dispersed and hurt.
I know no way to help this except to look it in the eye and see it as it is.
It is people who are hurt and in a need of showing their pain.
I understand and feel we the nation must relate to this pain.
So I proclaim a national day to remind us that not all Americans came here to find a better place to live and to find freedom,
But among us are American’s who were pulled from their homes by slave buyers and sold by people for greed and brought here not freely and not for freedom.
There are among us these who our nation symbolizes for them ongoing oppression, one which is hard to go away.
This day will be black freedom day, a day of remembrance of that slavery and the need to be better and to love all mankind.
This day will be black lives matter, a day that we will not take for granted those who were oppressed and all that still are oppressed.
I also call for a change in the constitution for removal of the clause of that allows modern slavery to continue to exist even as punishment for a crime.
America is not of only immigrants, and relating to the sins of our past needs also to relate to the Indigenous Americans, who also didn’t get that fair chance of finding a better place to live and to find freedom.
I don’t know what we can do to fix the past, but I do know that we must look and see how to improve the future together.
So I also proclaim American Indian day, a national day to remember who’s land we are living on, and who came after and related to the indigenous population less then should be expected as a good guest to their hosts.
I also call for reevaluation of all forced treaties, for such should not be legal.
With all this said, I hope and pray that we together can look at the truth and not hide from it and make America greater than it ever was. And my God save America.
America, Will your great wealth help you? or all your efforts, no matter how strong? (Job36:19)
See the truth and evil of your birth and pray for Gods deliverance.