Am I alone ?
I am alone, like the climber who made it to the top whilst my companions succumbed to frostbite and exhaustion. I look down and I sense how everything below looks so tiny and insignificant. I feel cold and scared. I begin to doubt my own inner resources- maybe I’ll stumble, maybe the elements will gain control? I have almost forgotten why and how I got here, I’ve forgotten that it was God holding me and carrying me the whole way. It wasn’t because I was fitter than the others, nor was it luck. It was God, as always. But why then do I feel alone and abandoned? Why do I not look up at the heavens instead of down below at mankind in his insignificance? Why am I giving in to fear and it’s evil consequences?
God, I fear no one but you. God, I thank no one but you. God, I trust no one but you. God, you lead me to this lonely place in order for me to sense your presence and I will long for none by my side but you. God, just as you lead me here, you will lead me back. I am waiting for you to take my hand and lead me.