at least לפחות
I seemed to have confused my understanding of בדיעבד I understood it as “at least”, it’s real meaning is “in retrospect”, “post factum” or “after the event” and is the opposite to לכתחילה which means “from the start” or “a priori”.
“At least” לפחות is insufficiently, not entirely, incompletely
It is NOT “at most” or completely.
Our presence on earth in front of God demands nothing less then בכל לבבך בכל נפשך ובכל מאודך With all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.
At least, isn’t good at all. It’s existence allows room for mediocrity בינוניות. It puts a stumbling stone in the path of redemption and under minds the presence of God.
At least allows the caterpillar to accept his state and not enter “Pupa/Chrysalis” the transition stage, to finally arrive at what he was created to be the beautiful butterfly.
יהיה בסדר It will be alright, is close to אין מה לעשות there’s nothing to do. It is the ultimate excuse for not doing things right in the first place.
A good friend of “At least” is “Good enough” which is the ideology representing the mental embodiment of a person who could physically obtain perfection, but, under the circumstances, does not. Therefore, he is good enough.
דברים פרק ל פסוק י
Deuteronomy 30:10