I want to be more frum
At times a person might feel the need to emphasize his connection to God. This is a good thing. The true conviction to God needs to be imbedded inside before that place of external actions. That kneading process makes a wholesome godfearing individual who’s strength and resilients is beneficial for himself, family and society as a whole.
The opposite is true to that person that pushes to external actions. Such a person creates disorder, hurts himself, family and society as their ego grows with self assurance of the shortsighted way they have chosen.
Now I’ve received “You’ve Been Banned From Participating In R/Judaism”
A Jew is a damned jew no matter if he looks and dresses in jewish garb or if he looks and wears what the gentiles around him wear. This lesson has been taught to our nation for many a millenium. The attempt utilize external measures to “help me act like a better person” or in other words “my embarrassment helps me be better” is a band-aid to the fatally wounded or a aspirin to the one with cancer. It helps for a very short while, and at times does more damage then good, especially when one believes it is enough, and there are plenty of examples to show that.
Understandably in a judenrein feeling environment (a place that people feel there are no jews here and that jews shouldn’t be here), one feels a need to show the world that this is not so, that the Jew is here. But for what purpose? Just to show?
Because my dear friend, that the God loving and fearing Jew inside you is a hell a lot more then the superficial world of others.
from /r/Judaism
We are lifting the ban.