Is elevator music, music at all?

In this interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson we hear a take on music and what type of music is truly beautiful. Music and the soul

from Jordan Peterson: How To Become The Person You’ve Always Wanted To Be


how are you doing how are you doing hmm how are you doing 57:46

brilliantly and terribly 57:53

that’s 58:01

you know when you listen to a profound piece of music 58:06

one that sort of spans the whole emotional experience it’s not happy 58:12

happy is elevator music and probably you just shouldn’t listen to that at all 58:18

right and and you think why well it’s harmless it’s tricky it’s 58:24

sweet simple it lacks depth it’s shallow that’s a problem 58:34

it doesn’t have that deep sense of awe and horror i would say 58:39

that is characteristic of the best of all music you know you listen to some mis simple 58:45

music so-called hank williams is a good example you know the blues cowboy from 58:50

the 50s who died of alcoholism when he was 27 and whose voice sounds like an 80 year old man 58:57

simple melody you know but there’s nothing simple in the song and 59:03

and in the voice it’s deep you know it’s like the blues is it’s like black blues in the states 59:09

from the 20s and this was certainly influenced by that tradition there’s this 59:15

admission of a deep suffering at the same time as you get the 59:22

beautiful transcendence of the music and that’s meaning you know 59:28

that’s awful in the most fundamental sense but 59:34

you need an antidote to suffering and it has to be deep and no one deep moves 59:39

you tectonically and it’s not a trivial thing and but that’s better than happiness 59:46

and maybe if you’re lucky well you’re pursuing that and while you’re immersed in it you get to be happy and and you 59:52

should fall on your knees and be grateful for that when it happens you know it’s a gift it really is a gift 59:58

and it comes upon you unexpectedly your happiness you know but 1:00:04

you aim to climb uphill to the highest peak you can possibly envision and that’s 1:00:09

that’s better than happiness why did you include terribly