My prayer to God
The people of Israel are divided. They seem to be united when there is a common enemy. Why is there no willingness to unite? Because every tribe knows that justice and truth is with them. After all, everyone is nothing less than a 5 star General.
Then they cry out — but he does not answer —
The pride that does not give room for God to enter, and that does not differentiate (or is willing to differentiate) between his humanity and the spirit of God that lies within him.
And when the division in the nation reaches the dimensions of an actual civil war. At the same time that the confusion between the spirit and humanity is stronger than ever. No wonder we had “not just another attack” and its solutions are not the activity of “just another operation”.
And prayer cannot be satisfied with human desires, as beautiful and true as they are:
That it will end quickly and we will return to our routine.
May the abductees return safe and sound.
May our soldiers succeed in their missions.
May the wounded heal quickly.
In short, we don’t care about God’s plans, we want to live our lives and have God fill our shopping list.
Prayer must begin with God’s will. For the savior of the individual, the people and the world. who chose by free choice to live only in his spirit.
From time immemorial the Spirit of God has been seeking his place in our world. Now the earth was without shape and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the watery deep, but the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water. (Genesis chapter 1 verse 2) He is looking for a place to land and develop. The dove could not find a resting place for its feet because water still covered the surface of the entire earth. (Genesis chapter 8 verse 9)
Is the IDF and its soldiers even worth it if their victory is “My own ability and skill have gotten me this”? No! God’s spirit must be upon our soldiers and when they succeed and return home it will be clear to them and to everyone that God’s spirit is what made them. The Lord will fight for you, and you can be still. (Exodus chapter 14 verse 14)
God’s program must progress and spread, until the entire nation of Israel and the entire world is filled with God’s spirit in practice.
Knowing the purpose of fighting is what brings the ability to reach its destination.
I wait for your deliverance, O Lord. (Genesis chapter 49 verse 18)