Spring is here, and the plants are flowering.
Sense of individuality is healthy. One feels they are different / special / unique. As a result, usually we feel that each of us has our own way / path in life. Second to none, the same way to reach self-fulfillment.
While all this is true, it is also the most common excuse how to get away from understanding what he wants us in this world. It’s the perfect excuse not to learn how to implement measures.
Spring is here, and the plants are flowering.
Such is that spirit of God which resides in all of us. Pushing out it to live, but not only survive but to live as to flourish to fill that need to be what God created us to be.
We are all God’s plants
In his Garden of Eden, but each one of us different plant.
Everyone’s basic movement is common:
There are two forces that together help us reach our maturity. Up and down.
The desire to rise: the need to grow - to reach out to God. To feel the need if Him in our world.
Down: to take the root - take the food from the environment in which we were born in.
No two with the same environment. Parents. Members. Bodies. Desires. Thoughts.
We will take care of everything that we reach deep into ourselves and learn and see who we really are and what we practice.
Even the starting process is the same in plants as they start from seeds must also be prepared to change and lose the shell that keeps one from changing the original shape.
Each one is different so everyone has to do its best to find what God created in there nature. Because I cannot be someone else, only myself. I can not grow, but with God.