the land of the SHITHOLE is becoming Paradise

Listening to mcchaztv’s clip I have been inspired.

Palestine was a shithole according to Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) in 1869 as he wrote in ‘Innocents Abroad’ on his visit to the Holy Land. The Jews were in the diaspora and therefore so too was their homeland. But that was then. The Redemption call was in the process of its awakening. BUT NOT FOR ONLY THEM (the Jews).

The Redemption is a need for the WHOLE WORLD. The Jews had their issues with hearing the call, as some still do.

The cost of not returning to their homeland and redeeming it was devastating. BUT NOT FOR ONLY THEM.

All nations of the world have the responsibility to their natural homelands. All nations of the world have the responsibility not to take from others what is naturally theirs. BUT NOT FOR ONLY THEM.

The world is calling to be redeemed. The world is becoming one big SHITHOLE as we take what is not ours and do not understand the personal responsibility of a people and it’s land. The cost of not returning to their homeland and redeeming it was great. ASK THE JEWS.

Redemption is for the world. Redemption for Israel is a taste of it.

Pray for Israel to truly become a paradise. Use it, learn it, as a live example. Make that place where God placed your ancestors a paradise also.

Help and be part of returning paradise to this world