using the Dominant Strategy being with God
Like the rest of you, I’m trying to understand the Hamas strategy.
On the surface, it looks insane. There’s no real hope of conquering Israel, and no hope it will make anything better for anyone. Nor can any “expert” explain their strategy without appeal to some form of group insanity.
But Hamas seems too capable to be dismissed as crazy people. And their Iranian handlers are likely not insane either.
So I rule out “making anything better” as a Hamas objective.
What is left?
Israel’s response will (necessarily) create civilian hardship in Gaza that is likely to shock the civilized world. And that will, in theory, weaken Israel’s holocaust narrative that is – by far – it’s most valuable asset.
*Looks to me as if Hamas is playing a long game. Step one, weaken the Holocaust narrative and gain more militant supporters across the region. All it will cost Hamas is severe hardship for 1.7 million people on their side. But few of those people were thriving.
That makes Saudi Arabia the most important player in this drama. When and if they take a side, the new narrative is formed.*
{Note: I don’t know anything about this topic. But neither do the experts. None saw this coming.}
The Holocaust is not the “card” that allows Israel to exist. Israel has a right to exist as the homeland for the exiled people of Israel.
Playing the Holocaust card allows Israel to exist without God and his promises.
The push to create an impossible confrontation while using children, elderly and women freely as barriers, is in fact an attempt to delegitimize the high ground that the Holocaust card pulls. It claims that the Jews are also Nazis.
But that carpet God fearing people don’t stand on.
We have returned home. Whoever doesn’t like that it’s their problem. Whoever attempts to stop that is cursed firstly from God and accordingly so by Israel.
The genocide that God demanded done to the Canaanites had it’s reasons. While we are getting closer to understanding them day by day that doesn’t mean that this is God’s answer for us today (but that is for another post)