What are you?
I am beautiful says the young lady. I am special.
And I ask. What have you done to be so? Is it yours? Or is this a present given to you?
I am well off and rich says the inheritor of the estate. I am special.
And I ask. What have you done to be so? Is it yours? Or is this a present given to you?
I am healthy and fit giggles the baby. I am special.
And I ask. What have you done to be so? Is it yours? Or is this a present given to you?
I am smart and I pass exams like a breeze says the born genius. I am special.
And I ask. What have you done to be so? Is it yours? Or is this a present given to you?
What are you, when what is your nature disappears?
What are you, when we take away the environment you were born in?
What is left of you, what footsteps have you carved in this world which is not just the continuing erosion from the past?
You image you are something. But in reality you are nothing. Your existence leaves no mark.
A mark in time and place only starts when you enter the understanding that you are not.
When you start to see yourself and your environment from an outer body perspective.
Then the breath you take begins to be known to you as a gift.