What will tomorrow, what will give birth to a day
I am scared, worried, and tired, losing faith in myself the goal, and purpose. And God sends unto me go forth out to be first to prepare the path for others to follow. And I ask how so? for I myself am in fear of tomorrow and what faith have I? And God says unto me the faith which you have used until this day is that same faith which you will carry forward and use tomorrow. That faith, which all around you is filled with amazement where it comes from. It is that outcome of the work we both have been doing together, for if it was not for the tests and results up to now, you wouldn’t have gotten to the place where I have taken you. So go out and tell the world where you are and how I have taken you until now. Not all is clear and all assuring generally speaking, it is usually the opposite. I was almost certain that my going on “leave without pay” would entitle me to some benefits even minimally. Almost, but that answer officially came in that I missed the mark by that same amount of time that I overgave the leave notice. I gave notice of what I thought was 3 months to be nice (and get for it nothing in return) to my employees (30 days it seems is the law). It was in fact 138 days, the rule changing entitlement was made 81 later. But how was I to know what would be and after “hearing” this was anything that could stop me? So officially out of doing work and not knowing what my next step is to be I hang on dearly to that faith and pray not for myself but for that the faith in God by all shall preside upon us all and that his light and path should be the one we all walk upon.
Psalm 119:30 I choose the path of faithfulness; I am committed to your regulations.
Oh the voices, the voices to this, to that, to fill in another form, to run to this one, and to that one. Always on the move never yielding to trust, belief, and acceptance that God is here and very involved to the greatest detail that compiles every last thing.to this to that to fill in another form to run to this one and to that one. Always on the move never yielding to trust, belief, and acceptance that God is here and very involved to the greatest deal all that incompletes every last thing.